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A Birthday Wish To End Cancer | By 13 Year Old Victoria

By February 14, 2020January 6th, 2022No Comments

In addition to celebrating her 12th birthday on the soccer field, Victoria has already raised over $1200.00 in support of cancer research.

A Birthday Wish To End Cancer | By 13 Year Old Victoria

Sponsor Victoria

The Annual Fight To End Cancer Gala showcases a group of 10 charity boxers who dedicate the better part of their year to literally step into the ring to fight cancer.  This gala takes the majority of the year to plan and execute, however our Fight To End Cancer is year round for everyone involved.  We continue the fight, both locally and abroad, through our FTEC Ambassador Initiative, in addition to the annual event.  Unfortunately we have all been touched by cancer, however, it’s through the support of others that we find the strength to continue fighting.  By sharing individual stories and raising funds, our ambassadors help to give strength to others impacted by cancer.

We first met Victoria at her birthday two years ago, when we were the fortunate beneficiary of her generosity.

In 2018, she was eager to celebrate her birthday party at the Kingsway Boxing Club, however she was compelled to have her friends donate to charity, rather than buying gifts.  Last year her fight became more meaningful when her dad was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer.

“Guess what?  It’s almost my birthday!  It’s been quite the year, am I right?  Two years ago, I did do a donation to the Fight To End Cancer, just as a nice thing to do, but last year, my family has unexpectedly been affected by it too.  My dad, as you all know, was diagnosed with a form of blood cancer, called multiple myeloma, in September 2018, and I now know first hand how it would feel for the families affected by it too.

Instead of feeling sorry for me, and all the other families that are dealing with this and maybe even worse, I’m giving you the opportunity to help.  The link below will take you to a website where you can donate, instead of buying a gift for me, because helping all these amazing people with this sickness is the best gift I could ask for.  The amount of money you donate is completely up to you, just think of how much money you would spend on my gift, and just donate around that much.”

~ Victoria, 13 year old superhero

The incredible support from Victoria has given us the power to fight cancer even harder!  The Fight To End Cancer team truly appreciates the support of Victoria and her friends and we are in her dads corner as he continues his fight.

Join Victoria In Her Fight To End Cancer: Sponsor Victoria’s Fight

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