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Photo: The Fight To End Cancer FTEC2023 Fight Team | Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow

The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) 10th Annual Fight To End Cancer Charity Gala, benefiting the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, is a Black Tie, exclusive, must-attend event, hosted at The Historic Old Mill Torontoon Saturday, May 27th, 2023. 

The FTEC2023 Fight Team, in concert with our presenting partners Landscape Plus Ltd, Grafton Apparel Ltd., and sponsors are working to make FTEC history by taking the total funds raised to $3 million dollars. Be a part of history and Join The Fight! View Full Press Release

We’re all in this fight together! Let’s Take a Moment to See All the Match-Ups and their sponsors…

Bout 1 – Sponsored By: Vieni Estates

Fight To End Cancer 2023 (FTEC2023) will kick off with the first of three men’s bouts, sponsored by Vieni Estates. It brings together two powerful pugilists:

Mark “The Baby Shark” Maristela, sponsored by Kimurawear. He has skydived five times and enjoys exotic sushi. Learn more about Mark and his Fight To End Cancer.

Mitchell “Marvelous” Cairns, sponsored by Avison Young. He’s a Marvel fanatic who is denied entry in IKEA as he always wants to ASSEMBLE everything. Learn more about Mitchell and his Fight To End Cancer.

Bout 2 – Sponsored By: Old Mill Toronto

Our second bout of FTEC2023 is sponsored by the majestic Old Mill TorontoYour Place for a Great Experience!

“Mighty Mel” Muto, sponsored by Aloe Finance, a red-headed Italian with Pompeii lava flowing in her blood. Learn more about Melanie and her Fight To End Cancer. 

‘Slick Vic’ Williamson, sponsored by Forge Recruitment, is a teacher who CAN teach the word to sing … in perfect harmony. Learn more about Victoria and her Fight To End Cancer. 

Bout 3 – Sponsored By: Humbertown Jewellers

The third fight of FTEC2023, sponsored by Humbertown Jewellers, features two fighters putting their undefeated records on the line.

Scott “Lights-Out” Selland, sponsored by his own company, Selland Real Estate, is one of the five boxers who have been training for this moment for four years! Learn more about Scott and his Fight To End Cancer.

Jeff “The Mimico Mauler” Skrypek, sponsored by NAK Design Strategies, is a fighter who grew up right here in Etobicoke. Learn more about Jeff and his Fight To End Cancer.

Co-Main Event | Bout 4 – Sponsored By: Landscape Plus Ltd.

The co-main event, sponsored by long-time friends, Landscape Plus Ltd., brings together our second set of female fighters on the FTEC2023 Fight Team. It pits two “people persons” as opposing pugilists.

Alissa “Wink” Winicki, sponsored by RV Law (Creative, Cost-Effective Legal Solutions), is a lawyer who actually works for RV Law. She fights for her clients in the courtroom and now is about to take that fighting fervour in the Fight To End Cancer. Learn more about Alissa and her fight.

Julia “Immortal Iron Fist” Siegal, sponsored by Wolfepoint Management Consulting, is the better half of our first-ever wife and husband duo to fight on the same night in the Fight to End Cancer. Learn more about Julia and her Fight To End Cancer. 

Main Event | Bout 5 – Sponsored By: Grafton Apparel Ltd.

Finally…the FTEC2023 main event is brought to you by Grafton Apparel Ltd., which showcases the scuffle of strength vs. speed!

Joshua “The First Avenger” Siegal, sponsored by Hilite Fine Foods Inc., is the other half of our first-ever wedded warriors in this year’s Fight to End Cancer. Learn more about Josh and his Fight To End Cancer.

Joey “The Nature Boy” Woo, sponsored by MSR Inc., is a powerful locomotive of a man who conducts his career in the railroad industry that he choo-choo-choosed! Learn more about Joey and his Fight To End Cancer.


Let’s Take a Moment to Meet This Year’s Incredible Heroes…

Jeff Skrypek, FTEC2023 Fight Team (new recruit)

“Cancer is a disease that has affected almost all of us, including many people in my family. By participating in the Fight To End Cancer (FTEC), I want to do my part to knock cancer out! This event means a lot to me. My dad was a larger-than-life figure who was the definition of “YOLO”. He died of brain cancer when I was 26 years old. This is one of the reasons why I have decided to take part in the FTEC and attempt to raise $10,000 for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. My dad is not the only one in my family who has been affected by this horrible disease. My uncle recently passed away from cancer as well. Cancer has touched almost everyone in some form or another. I plan on fundraising for the next five months to reach my goal, at which point the fundraiser will culminate in me boxing in a charity boxing match at the annual FTEC Gala on May 27, 2023. YOLO!

The purpose of this adventure is raising research dollars to reach a goal we all share: To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime!

I would really appreciate it if you would consider sponsoring me on this journey, but more importantly, your donation can make a difference in cancer research that will help people here locally, as well as many others globally.

My dad was treated at Princess Margaret, which is one of the top five cancer research centres in the world, and with your donation, we can continue to support cutting-edge research at the centre.

With your help, I hope to reach my fundraising goal and make a difference.

Thank you so much for your support!”

~ Jeff Skrypek | Sponsor Now

Scott Selland, FTEC2023 Fight Team (returning from 2020)

“Fight To End Cancer: Round Two — Get Your Wallets Out

We’re back and picking up from where we left off in 2019! Our journey got cut short mid-way through training camp almost three years ago and now it’s time to strap on the gloves again. I’m happy to report that I’ll be resuming my drive with the Fight to End Cancer Team for 2023!

The last several years have presented us with unprecedented challenges both old and new. I lost a family member to cancer in 2021 that left an unmendable hole in my wife’s life. I would be hard-pressed to point to a friend, co-worker, or family member who can’t share a similar story.

When I set out on this challenge it was to support the research needed to beat cancer. My father-in-law had a close call with prostate cancer several years ago that was going to require potentially risky and invasive surgery. Not wanting to accept an easy defeat we researched other options. Through good fortune, we were able to enrol him for treatment using the (new at the time) da Vinci robotic system, and I’m happy to say that he’s been cancer-free for almost 10 years. This would not have been possible without research and innovation into new cancer fighting techniques.

I can feel it. We’re on the cusp of something great. A breakthrough that is going to knock cancer out, but we need your support. I’m putting my body and mind to the test so others hopefully don’t have to; please give generously.

See you in the ring!”

~ Scott Selland | Sponsor Now

Victoria Williamson, FTEC2023 Fight Team (new recruit)

“My boxing journey began as a hobby back in 2019. Never did I think I would have the opportunity to compete in the ring and fight for such an amazing cause. This year I am participating in the 2023 Fight To End Cancer in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.

We have all been touched by cancer in some way. I am competing for the friends I have seen battle cancer. I am fighting for the family members, myself, and those close to me whom I have had to say goodbye to. I am fighting with the hope of making a true difference in cancer research.

I would love for you to sponsor and support me in this boxing journey, and help make a difference in cancer research and in many lives across Canada and around the globe.

Thank you so much for your support!

Check out the Fight To End Cancer website for more info!”

~ Victoria Williamson | Sponsor Now

Melanie Muto, FTEC2023 Fight Team (new recruit)

“Over the last five to six years of boxing, I had always imagined myself stepping into the ring (cheesy soundtrack included). It wasn’t until meeting the Kingsway Boxing community that I felt it was possible, especially with a meaningful cause that is the Fight To End Cancer (FTEC).

I have witnessed close friends and family members take on caregiving roles they did not plan for as their loved ones fought through one of the biggest battles life can throw at you. Words cannot express the amount of love, respect, and admiration I have for anyone fighting cancer, and anyone in the ring with them. This fight is not only one to be heard and respected, but also is still in so much need of more resources and support.

This year, I am here to surprise the little lady that thought she couldn’t step in the ring by doing what she loves to support the people she loves. I am participating in the annual Fight To End Cancer in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, where our team will raise research dollars with a collective goal: To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime.

I want this fight, and every donation, to let these warriors know that they are admired. They are loved. They are supported.

So, without a catchy tagline from my advertising mind, simply join me in spreading this message and donating if you can.

Let’s get tough. Let’s get loud. Let’s fight, for the fight.”

~ Melanie Muto | Sponsor Now

Mitchell Cairns | FTEC 2023 Fight Team (new recruit)

“I am honoured to participate in the annual Fight To End Cancer event in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I am fighting for my grandparents, who lost a battle with cancer when I was very young, and the incredible people who continue battling cancer to this day.

After four years of being part of the Kingsway Boxing family and producing the documentary “Ascension” (the incredible story of the Kingsway Boxing Club and the Fight To End Cancer), I decided to throw my hat in the ring to be a part of this remarkable event.

Please sponsor me and support my hard work, but more importantly, make a difference in cancer research that will help people here locally, as well as many others globally. There is strength in numbers, and we can all do our part in this fight!

Princess Margaret is one of the top five cancer research centres in the world—when we train scientists and researchers at Princess Margaret, they share and train colleagues worldwide.

With your help, I hope to reach my fundraising goal of $10,000 and aid the true heroes making a difference in the Fight To End Cancer.

Thank you so much for your support!”

~ Mitchell Cairns | Sponsor Now

Mark Maristela, FTEC 2023 Fight Team (new recruit)

“I’ve always wondered where my passion for boxing would lead me in my life. Would it be in tournaments and/or competitions? It turns out that my love for the sport led me to the Fight To End Cancer.

This disease has haunted so many people I care about. Cancer has attacked my family and friends for too long. This time I’m turning the fight back to cancer.

Please sponsor me and support my hard work, but more importantly, make a difference in cancer research that will help people locally, as well as many others globally. There is strength in numbers, and we can all do our part in this fight!

With your help, I hope to exceed my fundraising goal and make a difference.

Please spread the word. Donate if you can.
I need YOUR help to serve cancer a knuckle sandwich!”

~ Mark Maristela | Sponsor Now

Julia Siegal, FTEC2023 Fight Team (returning from 2020)

“Back in 2019, Josh and I began our journey as two of 10 fighters participating in the Fight To End Cancer in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (PMCF), motivated by the loss of Josh’s grandparents.

I have been tremendously lucky not to have had anyone close to me affected by cancer until we lost Roz & Marv. Seeing the toll that cancer took on them personally, as well as on the family as they cared for them, was absolutely heartbreaking. They had already lived a long and fulfilling life, and it still was so painful to say goodbye.

It made me realize how much this terrible disease can take from people and just how quickly it can do so. I’d like to do my part to stop cancer from stealing any more time from any family.

Although I may not have the expertise to find a cure myself, there’s still a role for me to play.

I am honoured to be raising awareness about the work the PMCF is doing and raising funds to support its world-class research.

Together, we have the ability to better the lives of millions of humans across the globe. Together we really can end cancer in our lifetime.”

~ Julia Siegal | Sponsor Now

Alissa Winicki, FTEC2023 Fight Team (returning from 2020)

“I am sincerely honoured to be a part of the 2023 Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) team.

I first learned about the FTEC seven years ago. Immediately, the words challenge, sacrifice, commitment, and strength came to mind. I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

Cancer plagues us all. If you’re lucky enough not to have lost a family member or close friend to cancer, it doesn’t mean you haven’t been affected. It doesn’t mean you haven’t shed a tear, been at a loss for words, or truly grasped the feeling of helplessness when this disease unfairly latches on to a friend of a friend, a client’s wife, a former babysitter, a mother’s childhood friend, a boyfriend’s uncle, a mentor’s father….

The list sorrowfully goes on. And it will continue to go on unless we act.

So rather than sit idly while cancer continues to permeate and blacken the lives around me, I choose to fight. I choose to collect funds in support of cancer research. I choose to partner with the FTEC because I don’t know of any message more forceful and determined than DEFEAT IS NOT AN OPTION.

I ask you to fight with me by sponsoring me. I’m fighting in the annual FTEC in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. My intensive training regimen will conclude with a boxing match set to take place on May 27, 2023. I’m excited about everything that lies ahead, but I need your support to reach my fundraising goal.

Thank you for helping to make a difference.”

~ Alissa Winicki | Sponsor Now

Joey Woo, FTEC2023 Fight Team (returning from 2020)

“Life can be strange sometimes.

It can give you feelings of happiness and joy where everything shines brightly, like you’re on top of the world. It can also leave you with feelings of despair and emptiness, where all hope has dissipated, leading down the path of inevitability.

For me, life hit our family hard on January 24, 2018, when my father, Simon, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer.

And I remember that day like it was yesterday.

I was at work. I received a call from my mom, and in a sombre voice, she told me this could be it. During my short ride to the hospice, a lot of thoughts were running through my mind. What will life look like without my dad? How were we, as a family, going to recover? Will I get a chance to say one final goodbye? There were so many questions, but very few answers.

As I rushed through the front doors and approached my dad’s room, somehow I knew it. I tried to stay positive, but I just had that feeling given how quickly my dad’s condition had deteriorated. Then, when I saw my sisters consoling my mom by the bedside, it confirmed everything.

The room was filled with sadness. We were all heartbroken. Seeing my mom in tears was the most difficult. It was painful. It was tough to comprehend. My dad, who loved us all and did everything possible to ensure my three sisters and I had the life we had, was gone. Just like that. How could this be?

Having been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, my dad was only given a few months to live. With the situation being bleak, our family made sure we cherished every moment possible. The highlight was Christmas 2017—easily his favourite time of the year. Boy was it extra special. My dad was happy. He laughed. He saw his grandchildren. We created memories. We were all together.

My father was a remarkable man. He emigrated from China in 1967 and a couple years later, he started to work for the U of T’s Faculty of Social Work as the Media Coordinator. For 47 years, he developed relationships with many students, and was very active in the university’s fundraising efforts. His relentless work ethic, total commitment and dedication, and the need to help others were a true testament to his character.

In the ensuing months, I’ll be embodying those traits my dad instilled into me. Training will consist of multiple conditioning and technical workouts per week where I’ll be pushed to the limit both mentally and physically. There will certainly be ups and downs along this journey, but the constant reminder and motivation is clear: I’m fighting for my dad.

Cancer undeniably impacts us all whether directly or indirectly. So raising money to advance cancer research and clinical care innovations becomes that much more important. Every patient should be given the best care possible along their journey. No individual or family should suffer. We are all in this fight together.

For my dad, he battled until the end. But on May 27, 2023, that battle is far from over as my goal is to continue that fight, in the ring, to bring hope to others and, ultimately, to defeat cancer.”

~ Joey Woo | Sponsor Now

Joshua Siegal, FTEC2023 Fight Team (returning from 2020)

“Back in 2019, Julia and I began our journey as two of 10 fighters participating in the Fight To End Cancer in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (PMCF). Motivated by having lost both of my maternal grandparents to cancer, we were committed to doing our part to fight back against this horrible disease.

Three years later, our motivation is as strong as ever. Although we may not be smart enough to do the research to help end cancer, there’s still a role for us to play.

We can raise awareness about the PMCF, the people who ARE smart enough to end cancer in our lifetime.

We can also get punched in the face to help raise funds for the world-class research and the incredible humans at PMCF!

Together we have the ability to better the lives of millions of humans across the globe. Together we really can end cancer in our lifetime.

Thank you for following us on this journey as we prepare to enter the ring on May 27, 2023.

Spread the word!”

~ Joshua Siegal | Sponsor Now

About The Fight To End Cancer

The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is a year-round initiative carried out by ambassadors, sponsors and volunteers worldwide.  Over $2,000,000 has been donated to date, since our inaugural year, in 2012.  Funds raised by FTEC are donated directly to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.  Each year we celebrate the incredible hard work and dedication of our FTEC family with a black-tie charity boxing gala.  This gala showcases ten men and women who represent our Official Fight Team.  Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of the local community and business owners.  Let’s make a difference now in the fight to end cancer, for a long and successful future for everyone.  This is an event like no other and has quickly become one of the most anticipated events in Toronto.

About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at