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Photo Credit: Chris Small

March 8th is International Women’s Day, an opportunity for us to collectively celebrate women’s achievements who chose to challenge cancer! The Fight to End Cancer (FTEC) has always featured at least one female fight, since its inception, which more often than not turns out to be the “Fight Of The Night”.  Although only one hand is raised at the end of the fight, each of these women have exited the ring victorious as we became one step closer to ending cancer in our lifetime.

It was estimated that in 2022, 112,800 Canadian women would be diagnosed with cancer and 40,000 women would die from cancer.

The theme for the 2023 campaign is #EmbraceEquity and this year we are working to break the unconscious bias associated with women in #boxing. Let’s work towards women’s equality and take action to drive gender parity.

This International Women’s Day, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the women of FTEC! Their hard work, fierceness and dedication never fails to inspire the community and us!

Let’s celebrate them as they balance their already busy lives, while committing to months of intense training, coupled with raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.

Countless women have dedicated their lives to ending cancer. Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day, with the Women Of The Fight To End Cancer by taking a look at some of their incredible stories…

Photo Credit: Spencer Wynn


“I am commonly asked why I choose to “fight” cancer.  The truth is, there are so many causes out there that need to be supported and one day I hope to fight for all of them.  I fight cancer as these diseases continue to attack those who mean the world to me – my community.

The Fight To End Cancer started as an outlet through which I could bring together all of my passions:  boxing, business and entertainment.  Developing this unique fundraising event allowed me the ability to try to fulfill my dream of building a stronger, healthier community.

I believe that fighting is in our DNA.  It is a skill we develop when dealing with adverse situations.  Sometimes, we choose to fight and other times, we are forced to.  The battle which one faces with cancer, is much like a boxing match; only the decision to step into the ring was made for them along with their opponent.  The team that stands behind a boxer can make, or break, their fight.  It is no different for someone who is faced with the reality of having to fight cancer – the team behind them can make all the difference.

Cancer does not discriminate.  We have all watched, painfully, as it attacks friends and family, both young and old.  It tests the limits, of not only the victim, but also of their loved ones. Maintaining the physical strength it takes to go to battle with cancer is something that can take virtually everything out of an individual.  However, the burning flame to fight and to win must never be extinguished – those who can fight – must.” ~ More About Jennifer

Photo Credit: Chris Small


Rebecca Freeman has been volunteering for the Fight To End Cancer since the start. In 2012, Rebecca jumped on board without hesitation, shooting our first ever FTEC2012 Campaign. Ever since, she has not missed one event or opportunity to give back to both the FTEC and Kingsway Boxing community. We’re so fortunate to have Rebecca in our corner. ~ More About Rebecca


Alisia joined FTEC in 2018 after her mentor, and official FTEC campaign photographer Spencer Wynn brought her along to help support him. After seeing the love and dedication that goes into the campaign shoot, Alisia wanted to know how she could be more involved. She was tasked with filming content at various FTEC events and helping with photography. In 2019, Alisia completed her Humber college internship with FTEC/Kingsway Boxing Club as their marketing coordinator and worked with the team until spring of 2020. After a few years off, Alisia lends her social media, photography & video skills to the FTEC2023 team. ~ More About Alisia

Left to Right: Betty Ann Mosher, Shireen Fabing, Lynn Mosher — Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


“Being a part of the Fight To End Cancer is, not only an honor every year, it is a privilege that I am very proud of.  I work with committee members and volunteers who have been together for a while now and who form the Fight To End Cancer family.  We all know our role and what the mission is…to make every day a “Fight To End Cancer” day.

Some would say I am as dedicated to and passionate about the Fight To End Cancer, as I am about the company I work for, Landscape Plus Ltd. – and I am.  I really take the whole thing very personally.  I drive a truck with a Fight To End Cancer decal on it, I wear my Fight To End Cancer clothing, I flash anything that is Fight To End Cancer and I am proud to do so.

It is also my opportunity to give back to an organization, whose people dedicate their lives daily to helping those that continue to fight the fight.  These people were professional, kind and compassionate with my Mom and my family when we needed their help, I wouldn’t have wanted my Mom’s treatment to be anywhere else.” ~ More About Lynn


“Cancer has impacted everyone. For me personally, it has taken my Aunt Maudie, my cousin Scott, my friend Brigette and, most recently, my dear friend Kim. Princess Margaret Hospital has also helped both my Mother and my brother successfully beat cancer!

The Fight To End Cancer allows me the opportunity to work with many inspiring individuals, all with the same goal – to organize a unique charity event raising money for Princess Margaret Urgent Cancers Fund, and to support the fight against cancer.” ~ More About Betty Ann


“My grandfather passed away from a brain tumor and my dad recently went through treatment for bladder cancer. Unfortunately, cancer touches us all in some way.

Volunteering with FTEC is my way of supporting those affected. I believe we will find a cure in our lifetime.” ~ More About Natalie

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


“Fight to End Cancer is an incredible initiative I am honoured to be a part of.  It’s mandate and those involved are not only raw and honest, but are truly an inspiration to what it means to battle cancer or to be along side someone who has.  These survivors are our Heroes and it’s important to celebrate their victory, but to also create the opportunity for more victories down the road!

Sadly we have all been touched by cancer, but through groups like Fight To End Cancer, we can work towards prevention and a cure.  I know what cancer does to a person and a family – I have experienced that loss first hand from losing colleagues, friends, and family.  I think of them every day and feel torn by the loss.  I also know I too can be a victim, but refuse to let it happen without a battle.  Cancer is a brutal killer that destroys everything around it and leaves the rest of us in fear.  But rather than being scared, let’s fight together….We will win together!” ~ More about Angie


Mariela is incredibly motivated and driven to helping out families with the mental, physical, and financial struggle that comes along with a cancer diagnosis.  She has lived through it herself and knows all about the fight that lasts through diagnosis, remission, and life after cancer.  She is committed to supporting others going through a similar fight.  Mariela took her passion for fitness, and her dedication to helping others, and created a “Survivor Bootcamp” fitness workshop.  She runs these bootcamps annually, with all proceeds going towards providing financial support to cancer fighters and their families. ~ More about Mariela

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“When I am asked what the term cancer means to me, I say to you it is responsible for the loss of my loved ones, including my mother.

The term cancer has caused opponents that I have faced to take recognition in defeating me in that ring, but it was not my opponents that beat me, it was the cancer around me.  The support I have extended to my family over and over has consumed so much of me.

The term cancer is the reason I train physically 2- 4 hours every day, to better myself mentally!  I physically fight with my two hands.  Everything my mother had to go through physically, emotionally, and spiritually, that I cannot overcome and fight for her, i put into my fight to end cancer.

So, I do this in honour of her.  I do this to execute the rage I feel.  I do this to be stable enough to endure it all, and most of all I do this in honour of those that it has defeated.”  ~ More about Amanda

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“Working in the corporate world, I always feel like I have my boxing gloves on, but on June 15th, 2013 I proudly “put ‘em up” to support cancer research through, what I believe, is a noble cause.  Jennifer Huggins and Kingsway Boxing is proof that we can all help in the Fight To End Cancer, so I am honored to be a fighter.  Like many, I’ve been robbed of loved ones and lived through the pain and suffering with victims, friends and colleagues who have experienced the same.  My grandfather passed away from a brain tumor and my dad recently went through treatment for bladder cancer. Unfortunately, cancer touches us all in some way. I dedicated my three rounds to loved ones lost, survivors and those still fighting this ruthless disease. Volunteering with FTEC is my way of supporting those affected. I believe we will find a cure in our lifetime.” ~ More About Shireen

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“I was sincerely humbled and honoured to be selected for the 2020 Fight to End Cancer (FTEC) team. While the world was put on pause as our fight shifted to COVID, I’m excited to step into the ring the moment we can return.

I first learned about the FTEC a few years ago. Immediately, the words challenge, sacrifice, commitment, and strength came to mind. I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

Cancer plagues us all. If you’re lucky enough not to have lost a family member or close friend to cancer it doesn’t mean you haven’t been affected. It doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. It doesn’t mean you haven’t shed a tear, been at a loss for words, or truly grasped the feeling of helplessness when this disease unfairly latches on to a friend of a friend, a client’s wife, an old babysitter, a mother’s childhood friend, a boyfriend’s uncle, a mentor’s father.” ~ More About Alissa

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“My boxing journey began as a hobby back in 2019. Never did I think I would have the opportunity to compete in the ring and fight for such an amazing cause. This year I am participating in the 2023 Fight To End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.

We have all been touched by cancer in some way. I am fighting for the friends I have seen battle cancer. I am fighting for the family members myself and others have had to say goodbye to. I am fighting with the hope of achieving a common goal I believe we all share – to conquer cancer in our lifetime!

I would love for you to sponsor and support me in this boxing journey, and help make a difference in cancer research and in many lives across Canada and around the globe.

Thank you so much for your support!” ~ Support Victoria

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“Over the last five to six years of boxing, I had always imagined myself stepping into the ring (cheesy soundtrack included). It wasn’t until meeting the Kingsway Boxing community that I felt it was possible, especially with a meaningful cause that is the Fight To End Cancer (FTEC).
I have witnessed close friends and family members take on caregiving roles they did not plan for as their loved ones fought through one of the biggest battles life can throw at you. Words cannot express the amount of love, respect, and admiration I have for anyone fighting cancer, and anyone in the ring with them. This fight is not only one to be heard and respected, but also is still in so much need of more resources and support.
This year, I am here to surprise the little lady that thought she couldn’t step in the ring by doing what she loves to support the people she loves. I am participating in the annual Fight To End Cancer in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, where our team will raise research dollars with a collective goal: To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime.
I want this fight, and every donation, to let these warriors know that they are admired. They are loved. They are supported.
So, without a catchy tagline from my advertising mind, simply join me in spreading this message and donating if you can.
Let’s get tough. Let’s get loud. Let’s fight, for the fight.” ~ Melanie Muto | Sponsor Now

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“Back in 2019, Josh and I began our journey as two of 10 fighters participating in the Fight To End Cancer in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (PMCF), motivated by the loss of Josh’s grandparents.
I have been tremendously lucky not to have had anyone close to me affected by cancer until we lost Roz & Marv. Seeing the toll that cancer took on them personally, as well as on the family as they cared for them, was absolutely heartbreaking. They had already lived a long and fulfilling life, and it still was so painful to say goodbye.
It made me realize how much this terrible disease can take from people and just how quickly it can do so. I’d like to do my part to stop cancer from stealing any more time from any family.
Although I may not have the expertise to find a cure myself, there’s still a role for me to play.
I am honoured to be raising awareness about the work the PMCF is doing and raising funds to support its world-class research.
Together, we have the ability to better the lives of millions of humans across the globe. Together we really can end cancer in our lifetime.” ~ Julia Siegal | Sponsor Now


Photo Credit: Chris Small

“In February 2019, I joined Grafton Apparel as their Human Resources Manager. When I joined the company, I knew we sponsored Fight to End Cancer…but didn’t understand the depth of what went into this incredible fundraising event until June 2019, when I was invited to attend.

When I was sitting in my chair, spectating, I said to myself – and everyone at my table…as I realized I had been speaking my inner thoughts out loud – that I was going to put my ‘hat in the ring’ and tryout for next years fight.” ~ More About Elissa


Photo Credit: Chris Small

“For the incredible women in my life who have fought for their lives against cancer, I want to honour them. When cancer hits, life still goes on, but with the physical, financial, and emotional burdens that cancer brings. Though I have not physically experienced it first hand, I understand how devastating and life-changing the impacts of cancer can be. I’m proud to have participated in Fight To End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and help raise research dollars with a vision of reaching a goal we all share; To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime!” ~ More About Paula

Photo Credit: Chris Small


“We all know someone affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly. While some overcome it, many do not. I’ve been a witness to both circumstances: my one grandfather battled colon cancer, and at almost 90 years old, he is healthy, cancer-free and still hitting the slopes each ski season. The other, however, I never had the pleasure of knowing, because he was taken at a young age by lung cancer.” ~ More About Megan


Photo Credit: Chris Small

I am participating in Fight To End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I am raising research dollars with a vision of reaching a goal we all share; To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime! I’m excited to step into the ring the moment we can return.

What started out as only wanting to try something new, very quickly turned into an opportunity to be a part of something more impactful than I ever imagined was possible. Cancer has affected us all in one way or another and it does not discriminate. Cancer doesn’t care how old someone is, how meaningful they are to those around them, or how shattered it will leave the lives of those who remain behind. ~ More About Kristin

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


“Talia is used to taking on tough challenges as an Immigration & refugee lawyer, but as an FTEC2019 fighter, she’s taking on the biggest one yet. Not one to take her health for granted, Talia is stepping into the ring to use her good fortune to help raise funds to support the vital research of the doctors, chemists, and volunteers of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.” ~ More About Talia

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


“Ceilagh MacDonald works with clients every day who are struggling to come back from injury.  She sees first hand how hard they try, the good days and the not so good days.  She has seen this same fight in family and friends who have faced a cancer diagnosis.  Not one to step back from a challenge, FTEC2019 provides Ceilagh with the opportunity to punch cancer in the face and show what she’s made of.” ~ More About Ceilagh

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


“Lisa Ventura is a CEO responsible for all aspects of her company; definitely a person comfortable being in charge, getting things done and making stuff happen.  Lisa is not comfortable feeling helpless, like she has when friends and loved ones have been diagnosed with cancer.  True to form, she has decided to do something about it by becoming a member of the FTEC 2019 fight team, raising funds and awareness on behalf of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.” ~ More About Lisa


“Renata Reynolds is committed to the success of her clients, helping them build winning sales teams and strategies, that result in real success.  She is also committed to taking a punch in the face to move one step closer to finding a cure for cancer.  Good news Renata, your opponent is committed to helping you with that challenge.” ~ More About Renata

Photo Credit: Chris Small


“Rachel Martin, and her partner Patrick Balfour, started their journey with the Fight To End Cancer in 2013. They became involved with the cause as a way to give back to the community and fight a disease that had directly impacted their family. After many years standing strong in our corner, our team found ourselves in hers when Rachel was diagnosed personally in 2018.” ~ Follow Rachel’s Journey

Photo Credit: Laura Polischuik


“Every day Dawn Millar found her motivation to train for FTEC 2018 in the eyes of her children.  Dawn’s father passed away due to cancer at the age of 51, just months before the birth of her first child, who was his first grandchild.  Dawn felt like her life had ‘blown apart’ when she lost her Dad, but as an FTEC fighter she wants to prove that Defeat is Not an Option.” ~ More About Dawn


Photo Credit:Dwayne McLeod

“Heather MacDonald endured the agony of watching her father endure a two-year battle with soft-tissue sarcoma, which ended with his untimely passing in 2009.  Heather says her Dad fought harder than she knew was ‘humanly possible’.  Last year was Heather’s turn to mirror her father’s strength and determination, as she stepped into the ring as a 2018 FTEC fighter.” More About Heather

Photo Credit:Dwayne McLeod


“Christina Vatsis is no stranger to loss, or to the transformative power of giving back.  Christina lost her father to colon cancer in 2009, and witnessed her aunt’s intensive and debilitating treatments for breast cancer.  Christina is a prolific volunteer and she has previously donated her time to an orphanage in Africa and raised funds for a number of important charitable causes.  As an FTEC 2018 fighter, Christina channelled her talent toward her goal of raising funds for critical cancer research, that might have helped save her Dad.    A veteran flight attendant, Christina prides herself on being courteous and polite.  She maintained her signature smile with every punch that she landed on fight night.” More About Christina

Photo Credit: Laura Polischuik


“Like many of us, Alison Turnbull has been directly touched by cancer, losing her mother to the disease in 2016.  A veteran attendee of the annual Fight To End Cancer gala, Alison says she was motivated to become a fighter when she witnessed the level of commitment to training she saw in the FTEC team.  She was the most recent member in a long line of fighters coming from Eagle Professional Resources and was surprised to learn that scoring the W on fight night was to be included on her performance review.” More about Alison

Left to Right: Leslie’s Mom (Evelyn Hannon) Leslie’s Friend (Wendy Lands) and Leslie Ehm celebrating after her fight in Fight To End Cancer 2015 Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou


“Everyone has a fight in life.  Some fight to be heard, some to go unnoticed, some to shine and some just to survive.  On May 30th, 2015, at 51 years of age, I got into the ring to fight.  It was a bucket list thing for me!  Anyone who knows me, knows I’ve been a fighter all of my life.  I always refer to it as ‘the good fight’ – the relentless pursuit of goodness and what’s ‘right’.  I try to fight that good fight every day.  But for one incredible night, I got to fight not just the ‘good fight’, but a super badass one as well.  Not only did I get to take on an opponent and go three rounds in a real amateur bout, (which is beyond cool), I also got to raise my fists against the evil that is cancer.  Because every drop of sweat, and every punch thrown and taken was  in solidarity with those who have faced the disease and won or lost and for everyone who loved those fighters.  For my Uncle Stevie, for my cousin Elli, for the grandmother I never met, for my friend Philip, for my friends – especially Dayna who is battling breast cancer today – family and a better future – this fight was for all of you.”

Left: Kim Hamill, Right Allison Dellandrea — Photo Credit: Laura Polischuik


“In 2004, when I was six months pregnant with our third child, I received my diagnosis of advanced thyroid cancer.  I was told I needed immediate surgery to remove the tumour and affected lymph nodes, and that treatment would follow promptly after my baby’s birth.  Traces of the shock of that moment, and its impact on my whole family, still linger with me today.
Thanks to the treatment and ongoing care that I receive at The Princess Margaret, my story is now a happy one.  My son weathered the storm of our diagnosis and surgery like a true fighter, and arrived in the world smiling (… and hasn’t really stopped smiling since).  After treatment, and two more surgeries, I’m now in remission, and have the privilege of good health.  I’m not afraid of my cancer anymore.  My caregivers at PMH have taken care of this fear.  Now it’s my turn to support their work, so that they can help other patients whose fears are not relieved, and whose lives depend on their results.” ~ More about Allison


“In one form or another, we have all been affected by cancer.  I was privileged to be a part of the 2017 Fight To End Cancer and knew that the 6 months of training would be demanding, both physically and mentally.  My fight paled in comparison to the real fight a person diagnosed with cancer faces every second, of every day.  I’m committed to providing hope and being in their corner as we get one step closer to conquering cancer in our lifetime.”

Photo Credit: Virgil Barrow


“I didn’t know my grandfather too well, but I did see my mother suffer from her father’s passing, due to cancer.  It was very hard to see her go through such pain.  I also saw legendary coach Adrian Teodorescu suffer from lymphoma last year and it left me feeling very hopeless.  It’s sad to see someone just fade away in front of your eyes and not be able to do anything for them.  Fight to End Cancer, to me, means that we continue to have this opportunity, to contribute to finding a cure.  I believe that as technology and research evolves, we will find a cure to beat this disease, and no longer allow it to leave our families and friends in pain.” ~ More about Sara


Left: Kassandra O’Reilly, Right: Bob Wilcox (Coach) — Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman

“Unfortunately, cancer is a disease that touches us all in one way or another.  I know personally how it can affect you, having lost both of my grandparents due to lung cancer.  Sometimes feelings and life style changes caused by cancer can become very overwhelming.  This can leave us feeling sad, anxious, angry or even hopeless.  I believe that awareness is so important for those who are struggling – whether it’s you personally, your friends or family.

The fight to end cancer means fighting for those who cannot.  I am fighting to support the fighters, admire the survivors and honour the taken.  I would like to personally dedicate my fight to Coach David and Ainsley, who’s wives recently lost their battles, and to Dale and his wife who are currently fighting this horrible disease.

We are too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated” More about Kassandra

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


“Jessica was born and raised in Sudbury Ontario and has been active all her life.  She has participated in activities like horseback riding, long range large bore target shooting and cross country running, to name just a few.  You might find her out on the trails, foraging for wild greens or practicing her photography, when she’s not in the gym.  She’s married to Lisa Lepage, a producer at CTV Sudbury.

Jessica was a member of the Breast Action Coalition of Sudbury, whose mission was to centralize breast cancer screening and treatment, giving patients quicker, easier access to the services they require.  She was thrilled to be featured on the fight card at the inaugural Friday Night Fights ‘To End Cancer’ in 2017 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.” ~ More about Jessica

Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou


“I have personally been touched by this terrible disease, as I’m sure most of you reading this have as well.  My Father, Mitch, fought in the 2014 event.  My Uncle, Ryan, fought in 2015 and in 2016 I followed in their footsteps with the same exact goal in mind… to kick cancer’s butt!

Growing up as a little girl the word Cancer was always an open topic of conversation.  My dad was a volunteer at Sick Kids hospital for over 16 years. Through his experiences, he came home to talk to me about what it’s like being a part of an organization and helping others.  My father’s passion to help others left a mark on me growing up and I will continue to fight the disease until it no longer exists.” ~ More about Samantha

Photo Credit: Erik Tavares


Natasa and her family have had countless loved ones affected by cancer – many surviving, some still fighting and unfortunately, three family members that lost their battle.  Natasa dedicated her fight to them in 2016.

“14 years ago I lost my sister to osteo sarcoma – the same type of cancer as Terry Fox.  She was my older and only sister.  The pain of experiencing such a loss at the young age of 17 is immeasurable.  Most recently my aunt lost the fight against cancer.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer and fought valiantly until her last breath.  My grandfather, unfortunately is another member of my family who I lost to cancer.”

Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou


“I am excited and proud to have participated in the Fight To End Cancer 2015! Over the years I have paddled, run, and golfed in various fundraising efforts for cancer-related causes.  I know way too many people who have fought, or are fighting cancer…my guess is that you do too. I trained for five months and fundraised in preparation of my match on May 30th, 2015.  I stepped into the ring and fought like hell for an important cause.  This fight was for my pal Cindy Weeks.  She battled breast cancer and was cancer-free for years.  In 2008, cancer returned and since then, Cindy has lived with metastatic disease.  Her brave tenacity is both heroic and inspiring – she is the toughest fighter I know. She believes that breakthroughs will come, and that cancer can be beaten” ~ More about Georgia

Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou


“Everyone, in one way or another, has been, or will be affected by cancer. Personally, I have lost aunts and both of my grandfathers to this terrible disease. I have many loved ones who continue to fight with cancer and some who went through the cancer journey and came out on top.  Every fight is different.  My grandpa died of prostate cancer in 2000.  In 2005, I found out that my dad also had prostate cancer.  I immediately thought the worst as I had little knowledge of cancer as a whole.  My dad had a prostatectomy and THANKFULLY is coming up on his 10th year, CANCER FREE.  I feel so blessed and VERY lucky.  My hope for the future is that enough preventative measures will be in place so that NO ONE will have to face up against cancer EVER again.  The fight to end cancer is an uphill battle for everyone involved.  It is a group effort and without funds raised so researchers can work their magic, there would be no advancements made.” ~ More about Paige

Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou


“In the spring of 2014, my other half expressed his desire to apply to be one of the fighters for FTEC 2015 – naturally I was supportive and pretty quickly decided I wanted to go down the road together.  Several months later, I had no doubt that this journey would be one of the most physically and emotionally demanding to date, but also the most rewarding.  Cancer has affected most of us in some shape or form.

Personally, I lost my mother to the disease when I was just shy of my twelfth birthday; it goes without saying that her absence has had an enormous impact on my life.  I miss her every day.  Two of my grandparents have died from cancer and, just last year, a childhood friend at the age of 34.  Add to that the friends who have lost parents and loved ones – it’s too much.  Being a fighter in this incredible event gave me the chance to make a difference and punch cancer in the face on behalf of all those we’ve lost, and those who continue to fight it every day.  We are so fortunate to have the resources available to us that we do.”

Left: Jane Watson, Right: Dawn Ramsay-Brown — Photo Credit: Spencer Wynn


“One very small effort to advance the fight to find a cure for cancer in our lifetime –the Fight To End Cancer – was a chance to do just that and I am honoured to have had this opportunity.  I have watched too many people I dearly love fight cancer.  They have faced it head on with grace and courage. They are the true fighters.  As I trained, and the challenge got tougher, those who have battled cancer – family, friends and colleagues – were in my thoughts. It is their strength, as they endure each step of their journey, that truly inspired me to push on.  So, for all those I care so deeply about, who have looked cancer in the eye, those who continue to fight – you were my inspiration.  The Fight To End Cancer is an amazing opportunity to contribute to finding a cure for cancer in our lifetime.”


“The Fight To End Cancer means a chance to fight for all the memories that still need to be made.  My daughter will never be able to look into her grandmother’s eyes and see her own, as cancer stole Judith Ramsay from us, before they could ever meet.  As we watch a close friend battling this disease today, I realize how hard we all must fight to protect the memories that are still to come.  It is such a privilege to wake up with a healthy body every day, that I wanted to put it to good use, for a great cause.”

Photo Credit: Nicholas Theodorou


It’s hard to “throw a stone” these days and not touch someone who has been affected in some way by cancer.  Personally, cancer is a reality that I have faced with my immediate family, my extended family, my friends and my community.  For all who have lost, have won and continue fighting, I was happy to throw on my gloves to fight for those in need.  I dedicated my fight in memory of my Tante Monique, who survived breast cancer, and to my partner in crime Marilyn.  “You never know how strong you are…until being strong is the only choice you have” ~ More about Kate

Photo Credit: Rebecca Freeman


Janaya Khan, known as “the future in the Black Lives Matter movement”.  Janaya is a Black, queer, gender non-conforming activist, staunch Afro-futurist, social justice educator and boxer based in Toronto, Canada.  As the co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, they are committed to Black liberation, transformative justice and indigenous sovereignty and operate through a Black trans-feminist lens.  She strongly believes, that the focus and determination that boxing requires, can be used as a tool of empowerment.


Help the #FTEC2023 Fight Team reach their goal of $3 million dollars before Fight Night! Use the link below to get to know the individual team members better and support them in their Fight To End Cancer! Defeat Is NOT An Option

Sponsor A Fighter  Tickets & Event Info

About The Fight To End Cancer

The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is a year-round initiative carried out by ambassadors, sponsors and volunteers worldwide.  Over $2,000,000 has been donated to date, since our inaugural year, in 2012.  Funds raised by FTEC are donated directly to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.  Each year we celebrate the incredible hard work and dedication of our FTEC family with a black-tie charity boxing gala.  This gala showcases ten men and women who represent our Official Fight Team.  Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of the local community and business owners.  Let’s make a difference now in the fight to end cancer, for a long and successful future for everyone.  This is an event like no other and has quickly become one of the most anticipated events in Toronto.

About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at