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2018 FightersBout 1

Tyler Smith

By October 1, 2017January 6th, 2022No Comments

Hey Folks,
We’ve all been affected by cancer through our closest friends and families, its important that we all take a step back and realize how precious each day is.  I want to give back and raise money for all those affected by cancer, follow my journey and join me in the fight to end Cancer.  I’m not doing this for me, I am doing it for all of you.
I am participating in the 7th annual Fight To End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I am raising research dollars with a vision of reaching a goal we all share – To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime!
Please sponsor me and support my hard work, but more importantly, make a difference in cancer research that will help people here locally as well as many others globally. There is strength in numbers and we can all do our part in this fight!
The Princess Margaret is one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world – when we train scientists and researchers at The Princess Margaret, they share and train colleagues all over the world.
With your help, I hope to reach my fundraising goal and make a difference.
Come watch me get my butt kicked! Ticket and Event Information 
Thank you so much for your support!