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We’re excited to share with you the highlights of some major achievements we had this year, all thanks to you and your ongoing support!

Thanks to our incredible presenting partners, Landscape Plus Ltd. and Grafton Apparel, our dedicated volunteers and supporters, 2022 did not fall short of leaving an impact. Grafton Apparel had an exceptionally successful FTEC in-store campaign, raising over $345k helping us cross the $2 million dollar threshold.

And of course, we cannot forget to mention the support shown by Mariela Burkett, Amanda Galle, our partners at Self Stor, Vienni Estates, Apex Mobile and our countless ambassadors who continue to remind us every day that Defeat Is Not An Option.

The Fight To End Cancer has donated over $2 million towards Cancer Research at The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.  As we head into 2023 our new goal of $3 million dollars will help ensure we end cancer in our lifetime!

Nothing stops our FTEC family from fighting and reaching higher every year!  See how we stayed busy in 2022 and what’s to come in 2023!

Introducing The 2023 Fight To End Cancer Fighters

After waiting four long years, the 2023 team is ready to Fight To End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. The FTEC2023 Fight Team, in combination with our presenting partners at Landscape Plus Ltd. and Grafton Apparel Ltd., are the first group of fighters to take that next step in FTEC history. Their collective goal is to move towards the $3 million dollar mark in total contributions raised by FTEC in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Full Story

Grafton Apparel 2022 In-Store Campaign

Grafton Apparel launched their in-store campaign to help support The Fight to End Cancer from September to October 2022. They set out with a goal of $250,000 and thanks to their incredible dedication and cooperation, the campaign raised over $345k helping us cross the $2 million dollar mark, making this year the BIGGEST success yet!!! Full Story

Thank you team Self Stor for raising a total of $15,000 to date!

The Fight To End Cancer gala could not happen without awesome community support.  Self Stor has been a strong supporter of the Fight To End Cancer since 2017.  Their commitment and support to the event speak volumes about their desire to make a difference at our event and within our community.

In 2019, the team at Self Stor wanted to up the ante and get creative in their efforts to continue to support the Fight to End Cancer.  They created their own pledge/support pages and for every online review they received they made a donation.

After collecting 74 reviews in 2020, Self Stor have truly outdone themselves with a total of 386 review in 2021, resulting in a whopping $9700 donation towards Fight To End Cancer!

2022 Survivor Bootcamp

Mariela Burkett has been raising funds for Fight To End Cancer with her Survivor Bootcamp’s and Buck-A-Burpee Campaign since 2016. After the COVID19 outbreak in 2020, she had to put her bootcamp on a two year-long hold. However, this year, in addition to bringing out 100 participants, Survivor Bootcamp represented a huge milestone; $30K in donations to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation!

We want to thank everyone who came out to participate in the Survivor Bootcamp and sponsored the auctions/raffles and Buck-A-Burpee Campaign. Also, we would like to give a huge shout-out to Mariela Burkett for all of her continuous hard work — We can’t wait for the next one! Join Mariela in her Fight To End Cancer 

The next Survivor Bootcamp is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, 2022

APEX Mobile Media Collaboration

The Fight To End Cancer was proud to have APEX Mobile Media as a strong supporter in our corner. This was the second year that APEX Mobile Media joined the fight and we can’t wait to build on this relationship. They not only assisted in bringing in donations in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, they also understand the importance of the fight and staying ready for whenever the occasion to help arises. Full Story

With the end of 2022, APEX continues to raise donations to support the Fight To End Cancer, with this year’s goal being $2500.

Dr. Jonathan Irish’s Contributions

Dr. Jonathan Irish managed to not only continue making powerful strides in the field of medicine in such unprecedented times, but also helped fight causes which may have been overlooked in all the chaos of COVID19, such as cancer.

Dr. Jonathan Irish, of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, was presented with an award for the incredible work he does for both cancer research and treatment through the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Read More

Vieni Estates

The Raviele Family, of Vieni Estates, have put so much heart, soul and dedication into the Fight To End Cancer, we’re honoured to call them family! Up until October 2021 alone, they managed to raise a whopping total of $6,397.20 in donations going towards cancer research and now, they have raised an additional $10,000!

The founder of Vieni Estates brings his passion for wine from Italy and combines it with his love for this distinctly Canadian wine region, and particularly the unique attributes of the rolling hills of the Vinemount Ridge. Master winemaker Mauro Salvador takes the best of the many varietals grown on the estate to produce a broad and compelling range of still wines, ice wines and sparkling wines crafted in the Charmat method (Metodo Italiano). Learn More/Order Founder’s Blend

Landscape Plus

COVID-19 abounds and the world feels like it has lost its way. However, while our sights are locked on the pandemic crisis, cancer continues to ravage our sons, daughters, mothers and fathers; Cancer does not care that we are preoccupied with the COVID-19 pandemic.

How much simpler could it be if we could face one crisis at a time…

Putting cancer on the back burner while the pandemic calms down is NOT an option!

That is why Landscape Plus Ltd is stepping up in support of The Fight to End Cancer and the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.”

‘Keep those hands up

– Jim Mosher, Landscape Plus

Through the Fight To End Cancer, we have had the pleasure of working with some incredible partners, such as Landscape Plus and Grafton Apparel, working towards the meaningful cause of aiding with cancer research and making a genuine difference in the lives of those who live with and are effected by cancer. Thanks to Dr. Jonathan and his incredible work and community support, we have made extraordinary progress with our presenting partners Jim Mosher, Landscape Plus and Lance Itkoff, Grafton Apparel.

Fight to End Cancer would like to thank the FTEC Family for your continuous support throughout this tumultuous year. We know how uncertain and unpredictable 2021 was, and despite it all, you continued to engage and participate in all of the initiatives we brought forward. We could not do what we do without you in our corner. We appreciate the donations and time you dedicated to our organization and we look forward to bringing the same momentum and teamwork into 2022.