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Amanda winning

I don’t share my real-life story, what I’m living through, all that much because I don’t want it to look like I’m asking for a pity party! I hope that for anyone who is facing hardships of any sort would look to me and be MOVED, INSPIRED, and HOPEFUL!  For this reason, I will share!

My mother has battled stage 4 metastasized, breast cancer, since Dec of 2013! She has been undergoing constant chemo since 2017 bi-weekly to weekly, then to daily treatments. This January, we were informed that her last chemo cocktail has failed to contain her cancer and therefore was forced to stop treatments.

Her days are now numbered, as she is in palliative care at home.

My mother is currently coherent and comprehensive but is bed bound, and on a lot of pain medication to keep her comfortable. She doesn’t say too much, but actions speak louder than words. In the pic below, she asked to roll my freshly washed wraps!

Looking at this picture I will forever be reminded how she always remains in full support of the path I have chosen, and though it may not have been said in words, her actions always speak so much more.

On January 4, 2022, I received the news about my mom’s prognosis during fight camp. I chose to continue with training and dial in for fight preparation, emotionally detaching from all the circumstances surrounding me. I’ve done whatever I had to do to remain fighting but this time it was a little different!

My life partner is now resting! I’ve been blessed for the past 8 years to have her fight (with cancer) and motivate me to continue fighting! It was challenging to manage both but we fought together for so long! These past three months, to continue to fight alone while she now rests, has been indescribable. Sunday March 13, it was showtime! I wanted to prove to myself that I have life after her death and that I’m going to be ok! The past three months were chapters in my book of life titled “Let Me Not Die While I Am Still Alive !” – Sheryl Sandburg

Boxing and fighting is how I live! I knew that if I made it too and through those ropes Sunday night, I was coming out on top and bringing the belt home! Nothing or no one can be more challenging than the adversity I’ve faced to step through those ropes!

I was coming out on top, and bringing the belt home to my MOM!

I never count how many times I’ve made her proud or how many times I’m going to not make her proud! I make every day count, so she doesn’t spend any time in worry, and more in pride!

I’ve been hanging on, soldiering on, and continuously keeping on, I hope to give validation to anyone that reads my story.

“Tough times never last but tough people do!”

I’ve remained tough, to prove to myself that there is life for me after my mother’s death, that while I continue to fight in my chosen career path of professional boxing, I am destined for greatness!

I’ve been an amazing daughter, I’ve been my mother’s caregiver, and now it’s time to Be A World Champion!