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PICTURING A WORLD WITHOUT CANCER | Pound-For-Pound Feature Photographers

By April 28, 2019January 6th, 2022No Comments

SQUAD UP – 2019 Fight To End Cancer Fighters:
Rick, Fedele, Ceilagh, Talia, Lisa, Renata, Deren, Paul, George and Josh.

Pound-For-Pound Feature Photographers

Hosted by our partners at Steam Whistle Brewery and sponsored by Fujifilm printlife, Fight To End Cancer is proud to introduce the talent behind our Pound-For-Pound gallery.

The show, entitled “Pound for Pound: Heavyweight Works by FTEC Artists” will run throughout May in the Steam Whistle Gallery in Toronto.  

Purchase photos and art by local and world-renowned photographers and artists, with all proceeds benefiting charity.  Thanks to the creative contributions over the years, Fight To End Cancer has donated over 1 million dollars to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
Your contributions have helped to promote the Fight To End Cancer and ultimately continue to support us to knockout cancer with The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. View Official Press Release



For the first time ever, Fight To End Cancer is holding an online auction open to the public.  Our 2019 auction, presented by Humbertown Jewellers, is now open to the public! 100% funds collected from the Steam Whistle Gallery Auction is donated to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Don’t miss your chance to secure your favourite piece!

Place Bids Now


Our [Special Feature] photographers will be exhibiting 3-5 pieces on site at the Steam Whistle Gallery for the month of May. [Exhibit Photographers: Spencer Wynn, Virgil Barrow, Rebecca Freeman, Chris Small, Matteo Forgione, Jeff McNeill, Chris Hominuk, Kaitlyn Black, Sandi Ralph, Krissy Turriff,  Mette-Margrethe Nielsen]

Pound-For-Pound Photographer

ANCIENT ONES, waves crash against ancient icebergs passing by St. John’s Newfoundland

Spencer Wynn has a lengthy career in visual journalism and he is a storyteller who constantly seeks visual narratives in all his work.  Wynn finds compelling narratives everywhere, from Greenland to China and the Arctic to the boxing gym.  He is an educator and photography workshop leader, who freely shares his knowledge, experiences, and stories with others.  It is only through sharing that we all grow as a people and a civilization.  Follow Spencer @wynn_photo

WHY I FIGHT: I am honoured to volunteer for the Fight To End Cancer.  My wife is an ovarian cancer survivor and we are grateful for all the time, energy, research and other volunteers who contribute to so many happy stories of those who have fought and survive to encourage and inspire others.

[Special Feature] Virgil Barrow
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

EVERLAST – Patrice Volny reminding us why they call him “VICIOUS”

The moment I picked up a camera and took my first few shots, I saw how absolutely, incredibly crappy they were. Instantly, I knew I wanted to learn how to polish my turd!

In photography, I find myself learning something new every time I press the shutter button.  This is equally true as a coach and fighter in the sport of boxing, which has formed who I am today.  As a kid, and even more so now, I always loved and appreciated classic fight pictures, such as Ali standing over Sonny Liston, and many of Ali’s pics that are all over boxing gyms today.  I studied the photos and the photographer who took them with great admiration. 

Needless to say, I specialize in sports photography, dabble with some landscape, am in love with fine art, fascinated with portraits of my fiancé, and I clearly have no idea how to write a bio but i am sticking with this… The End.

WHY I FIGHT: I wear many hats in the Fight To End Cancer.  I can only hope that what we do changes or touches lives across the world.  Everyone knows of someone that had or has cancer.  I fight so one day when someone asks me if cancer has ever affected anyone I know, I can say with certainty NO!

[Special Feature] Rebecca Freeman
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

A statue of Buddha, with focus on the benevolent gesture.

Born and raised in Etobicoke, Rebecca landed her first photography job with snapd Etobicoke and Bloor West newspapers in 2009.  Rebecca was promoted to editor of snapd in 2015 and continues to capture life and local events for the publications.  She also freelances, specializing in event and lifestyle photography and fine art.  Check out her work at and follow her on Instagram @beccfreeman

WHY I FIGHT: Rebecca has been a photographer for Fight to End Cancer (FTEC) since its inception in 2011, and joining the FTEC family has been a life-changing and inspiring experience.  Cancer has touched her family, friends, and co-workers multiple times.  She is honoured to fight for the cause, alongside the brave men and women of FTEC, in memory of her grandparents.

[Special Feature] Chris Small
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

THINGS CHANGE – At night, this bridge over the DVP and Don River transforms from a pale green structure of girders and bolts into a magical gateway into the neighbourhoods of Riverdale and Leslieville.

I am a self-taught, amateur photographer and purchased my first camera in 1992.  I have been asked, 0ver the years, to photograph landscapes, life events, portraits, and events.  Rather than having a particular subject matter that I like to photograph, I am much more interested in capturing a moment that elicits an emotional response from the observer.

WHY I FIGHT: One of the most influential people in my life was my grandmother.  Her support, understanding, and encouragement helped me become the person I am today.  After a nearly 30 year, on and off battle with cancer, she lost her fight in 2004.  I fight because she was a fighter and in honour of her memory.

[Special Feature] Chris Hominuk
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

WATERFALL-The quintessential Northern Ontario image.  Water, rocks, and trees, and a beautiful sunset. A waterfall at Chutes Provincial Park, Massey Ontario.

am a published and award-winning nature photographer who loves the outdoors.

I enjoy photographing a wide gamut of subjects and am always on the hunt for the perfect image.  I will drive, hike or canoe hours to seek out new locations.   In my photographs, the details at my feet are just as important as the details on the horizon and I attempt to capture this in my work using near/far exposures wherever possible.

My work is captured digitally and pressing the shutter release button is only the start of the process. I often combine multiple exposures and blend them into one image. I can reveal details in the extreme highlights and shadows by doing this. My goal is not just to recreate a scene exactly as it appeared to me, but to create a work of art that captures both what my eyes saw and what my senses felt. My final goal is always to create an image that is technically excellent and artistically inspired.

 Photography provides an escape for me. I can stand for hours on a beach or at waterfall waiting for that perfect light and time seems to stand still.  An hour will seem like seconds.

 I sell my work at art shows and galleries. More of my work can be seen on Instagram @chris_photo_guy, or my website,

WHY I FIGHT: I have lost family and friends to cancer, but also have family and friends who have survived.  I fight for them all. 

Kaitlin Black
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

SARAH’S UNICORN – After insisting my now-husband turn the car around on a Maui highway and hoist me over the edge of the road by the belt loops on my shorts, I captured this image. It was the exact tree I’d imagined from one of my favourite childhood books, Sarah’s Unicorn.

Photography became a passion by way of a very happy accident.  Kaitlin was camera-shy and discovered that if you’re known for taking the photos, you’ll rarely be asked to be in them. 

An around-the-world trip fuelled the photography fire.  A travel photo exhibit, slews of amazing clients and countless learning experiences later, Kaitlin is happiest behind the camera, capturing all of life’s magical moments. 

Kaitlin is happiest behind the camera, capturing all of life’s magical moments. To see her work follow her on Instagram, @kaitlinblackphotography.

WHY I FIGHT: Every September 12th we reflect on the life of someone I was never lucky enough to meet.  The man that I would call my father-in-law and that my son would call his bumpa.  Twenty years ago he lost his battle against cancer and was taken from his family, friends, and everyone whose lives he touched in his role as Credit Valley’s founding Chief of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  My husband honours his dad’s life daily by channeling his loss into making the most of every moment he spends with our son and I.  If it’s true that we learn by example, Dr. Don Black set a great one. 

Sandi Ralph
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

CABIN in the Woods – is a black and white photograph I made while cross-country skiing.  I was struck by the solitude of the small cabin among the trees.


Sandi Ralph is a photographer based in Toronto.  She holds an Honours Degree from the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCADU).  Her photography practice is conceptual and documentary focused, using both analog and digital photography, along with sculpture and print.  Her works have been featured in solo and group exhibitions across North America and the United Kingdom and are collected by financial firms, technology companies, agencies, and private collectors.  Her work is in the Permanent Collection of Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London, U.K.  Visit Sandi

WHY I FIGHT: Cancer can happen anytime to anyone. I don’t believe in fighting in a losing cause. I believe we prove, by fighting, that cancer can be beaten. If we can win at any time for anyone, we have fought a good fight against an enemy weaker than we are together.

Krissy Turriff
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

INDONESIAN SWEET T – Hanging out with Hawksbill turtle at 118 feet in the Komodo islands, Indonesia.

My photography is solely fuelled by my passion for the ocean.  It is an extraordinary and magical place that very few people have the opportunity to witness.  Beneath the waves, one can see amazing creatures that stimulate the imagination… both the beautiful and the bizarre.  My photographs allow me to share the beauty and mysteries of the ocean and bring attention to the need for us to protect them.

WHY I FIGHT: I fight for loved ones who lost their battle, those who had the strength to defeat it and everyone who’s life have been touched by cancer. Together we can knock it out!

Matteo Forgione
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

LINED UP- was taken on a cold, rainy night in March. The photo was taken in the middle of street King Street, in between streetcar tracks. “Lined Up” was shot on a Canon EOS Rebel T6, at a focal length of 18mm with the aperture set to 3.5 and the shutter speed set to 1/30

Matteo Forgione is a 16-year-old urban and street photographer from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  He started taking photos when he was 15 years old looking for a new way to get outside and explore the city, and he quickly fell in love with his camera.  Matteo would frequently take the short subway commute downtown carrying the “family vacation camera” in his schoolbag. A year later Matteo still enjoys taking on his city and looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary.  The idea of taking a few extra seconds to take in your surroundings helps Matteo through life, to relieve the stress that comes with it. Follow Matteo @matteo.forgione22

WHY I FIGHT: I fight cancer for all the children, adults and families who have been impacted by cancer, and who may not be able to fight on their own.  I have been given the honour and privilege to be able to help in this small way to those dealing with cancer.  I believe that whether it’s in a large or small way, everyone can have an impact in fighting and beating cancer.

Mette-Margrethe Nielsen
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

THE FIGHTER- Inspiration and pro Heavy Weight boxer Samuel Vargas (30-5-2). Human warrior. Everything is about dreams. With a dream in his pocket, a driven fighter heart, prepare every day to fight with his soul he steps into the ring again and again.

I am an artist.  I am Mette-Margrethe Nielsen, a Danish girl, 47 years old. I was educated as a decorator and worked in fashion and design
Driven by passion, Delighted by creation, Enthralled with expression, Entranced by vision, Consumed with beauty, And blindsided, By inspiration.
Welcome to my mind…
I am a dedicated pro-Nikon photographer.  I work hard to achieve understanding with my subjects but also the high quality of an image.  I work national and international.  I love cultural inspiration.

WHY I FIGHT:  In memory of my mother, Karen-Margrethe.  I grew up in the arms of a very kind and embracing mother.  She carried love, understanding, and support with her – she was the rock in a turbulent life, the greatest influence, and teacher.  She taught me how to care for others and how to be strong.  She was ripped away from us when I was still young.  Cancer ran in her veins and took her life far too early.  Time doesn’t truly heal all wounds.  The grief was overwhelming, but time teaches us to cope.  I still have the need to feel her presence and the cause of “Fight To End Cancer” gives me, as well as others, a place to support each other, and bring of the beautiful memories of our beloved lost ones.

Jeff McNeill
Pound-For-Pound Photographer

MOONRISE: The morning moon over an island in Georgian Bay, Ontario


Born in Indianapolis, Jeff McNeill has been behind a camera since he was 15 years old.  His love of photography inspired him to learn from the people he admired, and he moved to Colorado and California to train with them.  He worked in Advertising photography in San Francisco for 16 years before moving to Canada.  He has solely focused on working with Landscape Architects and design/build companies, for the last 10 years. Follow Jeff @mcneill_photography

WHY I FIGHT: We are at a time where medicine and science are the most advanced they have ever been.  I fight in the hopes that medical research and progress continue to improve and save the lives of those affected by cancer.  I fight so my children and loved ones won’t have to worry about cancer…I fight because I believe a cure will be found in my lifetime.

Grace Miah 

On-Site Live Artist

Painted live at the opening of Pound for Pound Event on May 7th, 2019

Grace Miah is an upcoming artist from Ghana who resides in Canada. She considers herself a self-taught artist who gets her inspiration from conversations, social media, and the rich histories within the diversity of the world with her subject matter mostly from a feminine point of view. Her aspirations are to use art as a therapeutic tool to elevate people from their daily activities and to channel their inner child. Grace has been actively involved in the community by hosting paint therapy for YMCA across the GTA, young men in the Toronto housing community as well as doing live paintings for events that are for are geared towards a cause. In the future, she hopes to open a multifaceted gallery that will help give back to the community by teaching and donating to causes that change lives. Follow her on Facebook: Grace Miah Artistry or Instagram: g_m_artistry

Why I Fight:I lost my older sister to cancer when I was 19 years old. She had so much life and so many plans and it took her away so early. Ever since then, I try my best to give back in any way that I can. My mode of giving back is through art. Art speaks for me when I can’t, and I Hope that this helps to contribute towards the fight. 


Our Online photographers will be exhibiting the selected pieces below online and at our June 1, 2019 Gala event at The Old Mill Toronto.

Online Auction Feature

Young Ali placed in an ‘army generals’ outfit to show the fight and dedication it takes to make it to the next level in life. He is smiling and reflecting on the good times, as a message to always make sure we enjoy the moment even in the toughest times.

Anthony Ricciardi is a renowned multidisciplinary artist driven by enthusiasm, depth, and storytelling to produce art that has no limits. Though colourblind, the internationally-acclaimed and Toronto-born visionary introduces patrons to distinctive, vivid and colourful one-of-a-kind masterpieces.

After leaving the comforts and clout of the corporate finance world to pursue his true passion and a lifelong dream, the self-taught creator induces a flair for inventive colour-mixing and layered creations to elicit reaction and emotion.

Ricciardi’s large-scale private commission murals and exclusive artworks have been shown worldwide in Toronto, New York, Los Angeles, Brazil, Miami, and London. He collaborates with high-profile personalities and most recently facilitated a solo art show and gallery in one of North America’s most prestigious destinations. – @ricciardipaints on Instagram

WHY I FIGHTI will continue to fight for everyone around the world going through difficult times. Cancer has an impact in everyones life one way or another and with incredible organizations like FTEC we hope to continue making a positive impact on their futures.

Online Auction Feature

VATICAN STAIRS – Italy has long been an inspiration for artists. During one of my trips there I was able to visit the Vatican, where every corner is inspired by a millennia of art. The gentle curves of the main staircase in the museum, adorned with it’s bronze frieze captures this perfectly.

Arnold spent several years working aboard cruise ships in the photo & video department, documenting travels around the world.  He has a BFA from Ryerson University’s Film Studies program.  Arnold currently works as a lighting technician in Toronto’s film and television industry and as a freelance photographer.  He lives in Toronto with his wife, who he met while travelling.

WHY I FIGHT – I feel incredibly lucky that none of my immediate family have been affected by cancer.  I do however have many close friends who have lost parents and siblings to the disease and have seen first hand the affects it has on all of us.  I fight to end cancer to keep those that I love healthy and cancer-free.

David Sweeney
Online Auction Feature

THE LEGENDS – Captured while visiting the FTEC headquarters a few years ago, every boxing gym has that iconic photo of Muhammad Ali as a reminder of the hard work involved in the sport of boxing.

David Sweeney is a local photographer in the GTA, who works in the area of theatre and audio/visual production.  In his spare time he explores a variety of photographic subjects, from Nature and landscape, to wildlife, historic subjects and more.  David also dabbles in the sweet science as a member of the Ajax Boxing Club.

WHY I FIGHT – I fight for all of my family members who have passed on due to their battle with cancer, especially for my Grandmother and Grandfather.  I hope that one day we will have a cure for all the various forms of cancer and that treating it will be as easy as curing common illnesses.

Joel Levy
Online Auction Feature

Man at the edge of the world-At Fort Socoa in South-West France, a man looks out over the ocean as the tectonic plates rise up to greet him. The raw power of the earth is contrast with the almost unseen human.

Joel Levy is a Toronto venue photographer specializing in exterior and interior photography for homes, offices, hotels, restaurants and nightclubs.  When he has time, he also shoots portraits/lifestylefood, landscapes and travel photography.  He has published work in several magazines, including cover shots for Toronto Life Magazine and Westjet Magazine.
Joel is also the creator and owner of, a website that shares stories about the people and places in the city.  Through writing, photography and volunteer work, Levy plays a productive role in city life.  His site contributes to urban growth by shining a light on Toronto’s thriving culture, and it acts as an outlet for his passion for community.  You can see Joel’s photography for that site on the Toronto Guardian Instagram page.

WHY I FIGHT – My family has fought a lot.  My mother is a two-time survivor, two of my aunts are survivors, my uncle is a survivor, my good friend is a survivor.  Who I fight for most are my cousins.  One managed to survive in his 30s.  One lost the battle in his 30s a week after giving birth to his second child.  My other cousin, a 4-yr old girl, lost the fight as well.  I fight so my family can one day stop the onslaught against us.

Karim de la Plaine
Online Auction Feature

CUBA – Boxing is an art of taking your chance at the right time. This photo stopped the time and revealed all the poetry of a willing to win with elegance.

Karim de la Plaine is a french photographer involved in giving poetry to sports shootings everywhere in the world.  Boxing is his favourite playground, because of his excellence in every character.  Because everybody counts to make success.

WHY I FIGHT: The claim brought by the referee Jennifer Huggins spoke to me in different ways, but especially in my heart and soul : Defeat is not an option, because even if you had to let people go, you never lost them until the very last minute.  I wanna be part of the fight against cancer with you people. 

Paul Millar
Online Auction Feature

ANICCA – The photo was taken in Al Wusta, Oman. Sand dunes are very difficult to shoot because of the vast panorama. With the light of dawn and in abstract, the patterns in sand make a beautiful image.

Paul Millar is a Toronto based, amateur photographer who has been photographing both wildlife and landscapes for over 40 years.

WHY I FIGHT –  Cancer is a battle for each survivor and for all families that are assisting in the struggle.  As a community, all incremental efforts, however small, help to contain, control and beat the disease. 

FLYING HIGH – A representation of how we travel long distance in the world. Painting – Acrylic on canvas

Devon Ross is a Mississauga based visual artist who specializes in painting, photography and drawing, and is a 2015 graduate of the Visual & Digital Arts program at Humber College.  He’s participated in many art exhibitions throughout college and now has some experience with painting competitions.  Devon prefers to work with a range of analog mediums, from graphite on paper to acrylic on canvas, varying in subject matter.

WHY I FIGHT – Fighting cancer is important to me because I believe that many lives can be saved if cancer is cured from those who have it.  It is very scary to know that someone you know and love has cancer.  It would be much less scary to know of that if there is a well known cure.

Nancie McLeod
Online Auction Feature

IT’S A JUNGLE OUT THERE – The FTEC family has shown so many of us how to fight the fight: the fight for our health, our happiness and for our friends & family. This piece “It’s a Jungle Out There” reflects just one of those fights … the every day solo struggle in this big, beautiful, and sometimes not so beautiful, world of many. (Mixed Medium)

Nancie has always had a heart for handmade, carefully crafting gifts for family and friends with pride and excitement.  Art class was always a favourite, even in university, where she received a BA from Western and then a BAA (Interior Design) from Ryerson.  First year cut and paste class: one of her favourites!
Captivated by the simple stuff – line, texture, pattern and colour, Nancie continues her love affair with collage… cut and paste all grown up!  She delights in the discarded, keeping a stash of retired treasures on hand… just in case there’s a frame waiting to be filled.
Nancie has shown her work at Denison Gallery’s Art by Interior Designers, and in several community art exhibits.  She participated in Lakeshore Arts’ inaugural Art Clash… survived and sold the piece!

WHY I FIGHT: It is important to me that we fight the fight to end cancer for the love of those living and those we have lost.  My father died just four weeks from the day of his diagnosis.  He is just one of the many.  Is there anyone untouched by this devastating disease?

Peter Temoche
Online Auction Feature

VENOM – Acrylic on canvas

Peter Temoche competed in the inaugural Fight To End Cancer in 2012, and once again in 2014, as an esteemed charity boxer.  A firefighter for the Burlington Fire Department, Peter divides his time training as a competitive amateur boxer, serving his community and painting. He contributes each year to the Fight To End Cancer auction and continues to support the cause and his community with unyielding commitment.

WHY I FIGHT – For me it was the fight my mother had with breast cancer that makes every jab I take pale in comparison to her battle!  I know she is alive today because of all the research, support and treatments that were offered to her.  I am proud to be a part of the Fight To End Cancer.

Michael Goizman
Online Auction Feature


Sport Management Undergraduate Student @ Brock University & St Catharines based, freelance sports photographer. Capturing the essence of combat sports in an attempt to change the stigma surrounding its constituents. Student of the art. Storyteller.

WHY I FIGHT: I fight for my grandfather. One of the most inspiring, hardworking and creative people on this planet, who also happened to be a cancer survivor and golden gloves boxer in Lithuania. My fight is to best honour his memory, through the support of cancer research and demonstration of the skills and work ethic passed down.

Tickets & Info

Important Links:
Fight to End Cancer: Visit Fight To End Cancer
Steam Whistle Brewing: More About The Roundhouse Gallery
Gallery Tickets: Register Free

Important Dates:
–> Official Media Day: Thurs. May 23, 2019 6pm – 8pm | Request Media Access
–> 2019 Charity Boxing Gala: Sat. June 1, 2019 5pm – 11 pm | Old Mill Toronto Request Media Access

About The Fight To End Cancer

The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is a year round initiative carried out by ambassadors, sponsors and volunteers worldwide.  Over $1,000,000 has been donated to date since our inaugural year in 2012.  Funds raised by FTEC are donated directly to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.  Each year we celebrate the incredible hard work and dedication of our FTEC family with a black-tie charity boxing gala.  This gala showcases ten men and women who represent our Official Fight Team.  Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of the local community and business owners.  Let’s make a difference now in the fight to end cancer for a long and successful future for everyone.  This is an event like no other and has quickly become one of the most anticipated events in Toronto.

About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at

About Steam Whistle | visit online

The Steam Whistle story begins in the spring of 1998 with three friends on a canoe trip through Ontario’s beautiful heartland.

Greg Taylor, Cam Heaps and Greg Cromwell had been colleagues at one of Canada’s premier microbreweries in the late 1980’s and 90’s, before it was bought out by a national brewer and closed down, like so many of Ontario’s independent breweries.  As they sat around the campfire, the self-named “Three Fired Guys” dreamed of running their own brewery one day—one that would make a Pilsner to compete with the best in the world.

Over the past two decades, Steam Whistle has grown from a dream hatched by the fireside into one of Canada’s largest and most beloved independent breweries.  But our Founders’ vision of creating a Pilsner Canadians can be proud of is still the driving force behind why we show up every day.

About Fujifilm |

We are excited to be the official photo printing partner for the Fight To End Cancer.  Since the 1930’s, Fujifilm has been developing film technology and suppling the world with its legendary film stock. Over the past 65 years, Fujifilm papers have been used to create, document and preserve moments in world events and in people’s lives.

Today, as a world leader in advanced imaging technology, Fujifilm has never strayed from its roots. Fujifilm’s Print Life business is printing fine art metal enlargements for the Fight To End Cancer art exhibit. This technology and the wow-factor these prints provide are available to everyone online, not just for the exhibit. Visit our web site to see how you can create works of art just as beautiful as those being displayed at the Steam Whistle gallery for the Fight To End Cancer. We look forward to an exciting fight this year and will look forward to all the special moments in the coming years.