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Bout 1Fighters

Alissa Winicki

By September 10, 2019January 6th, 2022No Comments

I’m sincerely humbled and honoured to be a part of the 2020 Fight to End Cancer (FTEC) team. I first learned about the FTEC a few years ago. Immediately, the words challenge, sacrifice, commitment, and strength came to mind. I knew I wanted to be a part of it.
Cancer plagues us all. If you’re lucky enough not to have lost a family member or close friend to cancer it doesn’t mean you haven’t been affected. It doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. It doesn’t mean you haven’t shed a tear, been at a loss for words, or truly grasped the feeling of helplessness when this disease unfairly latches on to a friend of a friend, a client’s wife, an old babysitter, a mother’s childhood friend, a boyfriend’s uncle, a mentor’s father…