POUND-FOR-POUND: Heavyweight Works by Fight To End Cancer Artists: A Knockout Success
On May 7th, in partnership with Steam Whistle and FUJIFILM Canada, The Fight To End Cancer held their inaugural Pound-For-Pound: Heavyweight Works by Fight To End Cancer Artists gallery launch event. The event was hosted at the fantastic Steam Whistle Gallery in the heart of Toronto. The show features approximately 30 photos donated by talented members of the Fight To End Cancer family, printed on metal, by our newest photo partners at Fujifilm Print Life.
Our exhibit photographers will be exhibiting 1-5 pieces on site at the Steam Whistle Gallery for the month of May and on our online auction open to the world at ftecauction.ca
Exhibit Photographers: Spencer Wynn, Virgil Barrow, Rebecca Freeman, Chris Small, Matteo Forgione, Jeff McNeill, Chris Hominuk, Kaitlyn Black, Sandi Ralph, Krissy Turriff, Mette-Margrethe Nielsen (view bios and preview photos).
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100% funds collected from the Fight To End Cancer Auction Items is donated to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Don’t miss your chance to secure your item!

Virgil Barrow, exhibit feature photographer, picked up the camera only three short years ago. He is not only incredible behind the the camera, but is also the force behind training the Fight To End Cancer fight team, year after year.
Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo

Matteo Forgione, 16 year old Pound-For-Pound photographer, made the first sale of the exhibit when Allison Dellandrea (FTEC2017 Fighter) donated $300 for his piece.
Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo

Krissy Turriff and Chris Small pose with ‘Indonesian Sweet-T’. Both Krissy and Chris are feature photographers in the Pound-For-Pound Photo Exhibit
The night was kicked off with a great set by Soda Blue, welcoming guests as they arrived. Once inside and enjoying the music, the crowd was able to enjoy tasty appetizers paired with Steam Whistle Pilsner or a selection of wine, as they perused the fantastic art.
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The night was kicked off with a great set by our official FTEC band, Soda Blue!
Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo

In addition to the photos on display, the guests were treated to a live painting demonstration by the very talented artist Grace Miah. The incredible piece will be featured in our online charity auction until May 31!
Photo Credit Alisia DeMelo

Beyond the art and fun, the crowd was reminded why we chose to fight with inspirational words from Jim Mosher of Landscape Plus, each of the contributing artists in attendance and the incomparable Jennifer Huggins, founder of Fight To End Cancer.
Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo

The inaugural Pound-For-Pound photo gallery event hosted by Steam Whistle, was a huge success and has generated thousands of dollars for the Fight To End Cancer. Artists are already asking about next year’s gallery.
Photo Credit: Alisia DeMelo
In addition to the photos on display, the guests were treated to a live painting demonstration by the very talented artist Grace Miah. Grace’s wonderful painting, along with a striking mixed media piece, the photos on display in the gallery and some additional pieces, are all available for purchase through the online auction site. (www.ftecauction.ca)
In addition to raffle tickets, for a chance to win prize packs from the Fight To End Cancer and Steam Whistle, guests could purchase Fight To End Cancer tie bars and lapel pins from our friends at Grafton Apparel. Their annual campaign, which has raised over $235,000, continues now through to the end of June. You can visit any of their stores including Tip Top Tailors, George Richards and Mr. Big & Tall Menswear and for a $20 donation pickup a tie bar or lapel pin.
Beyond the art and fun, the crowd was reminded why we chose to fight, with inspirational words from Jim Mosher of Landscape Plus, each of the contributing artists in attendance and the incomparable Jennifer Huggins.
The inaugural event was a huge success and is already generating thousands of dollars for the Fight To End Cancer with artists already asking about next year’s gallery. If you didn’t make it to this year’s launch event, you can still go visit our friends at Steam Whistle and enjoy a tasty beverage while enjoying the photos. The show runs through until the end of May.
Important Links:
Fight to End Cancer: Visit Fight To End Cancer
Steam Whistle Brewing: More About The Roundhouse Gallery
Gallery Tickets: Free
Important Dates:
–> Official Media Day: Thurs. May 23, 2019 6pm – 8pm | Request Media Access
–> 2019 Charity Boxing Gala: Sat. June 1, 2019 5pm – 11 pm | Old Mill Toronto Request Media Access
About The Fight To End Cancer
The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is a year round initiative carried out by ambassadors, sponsors and volunteers worldwide. Over $1,000,000 has been donated to date since our inaugural year in 2012. Funds raised by FTEC are donated directly to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. Each year we celebrate the incredible hard work and dedication of our FTEC family with a black-tie charity boxing gala. This gala showcases ten men and women who represent our Official Fight Team. Our goal is to raise funds for cancer research year-round with the support of the local community and business owners. Let’s make a difference now in the fight to end cancer for a long and successful future for everyone. This is an event like no other and has quickly become one of the most anticipated events in Toronto. www.fighttoendcancer.com
About The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation at University Health Network raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at Princess Margaret Hospital and its research arm, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which now includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute and The Campbell Family Breast Cancer Research Institute. More information about the Foundation can be found at www.thepmcf.ca
About Steam Whistle | visit online
The Steam Whistle story begins in the spring of 1998 with three friends on a canoe trip through Ontario’s beautiful heartland.
Greg Taylor, Cam Heaps and Greg Cromwell had been colleagues at one of Canada’s premier microbreweries in the late 1980’s and 90’s, before it was bought out by a national brewer and closed down, like so many of Ontario’s independent breweries. As they sat around the campfire, the self-named “Three Fired Guys” dreamed of running their own brewery one day—one that would make a Pilsner to compete with the best in the world.
Over the past two decades, Steam Whistle has grown from a dream hatched by the fireside into one of Canada’s largest and most beloved independent breweries. But our Founders’ vision of creating a Pilsner Canadians can be proud of is still the driving force behind why we show up every day.
About Fujifilm | www.fujifilmprintlife.ca
We are excited to be the official photo printing partner for the Fight To End Cancer. Since the 1930’s, Fujifilm has been developing film technology and suppling the world with its legendary film stock. Over the past 65 years, Fujifilm papers have been used to create, document and preserve moments in world events and in people’s lives.
Today, as a world leader in advanced imaging technology, Fujifilm has never strayed from its roots. Fujifilm’s Print Life business is printing fine art metal enlargements for the Fight To End Cancer art exhibit. This technology and the wow-factor these prints provide are available to everyone online, not just for the exhibit. Visit our web site to see how you can create works of art just as beautiful as those being displayed at the Steam Whistle gallery for the Fight To End Cancer. We look forward to an exciting fight this year and will look forward to all the special moments in the coming years.