The 2017 Bed Race Was A ‘Wicked’ Success | Featuring Landscape Plus Ltd.
The 9th Annual Halloween Bed Race and Pumpkinfest was a wicked success this past Sunday October 29th 2017, with costumes flying and beds racing down Bloor Street
Teams of up to six members raced a hospital bed down Bloor St. W. in Etobicoke, in a bid to be crowned the winner. Teams collected pledges with all the proceeds applied to support hospice palliative care in our community.
Helmed by Jim Mosher & the Mosher family; Landscape Plus Ltd. has been designing and installing beautiful landscape oasis’ for their clients and establishing itself as a staple in the Greater Toronto landscaping community, since its inception in 1984.
Jim and his team make fighting cancer their year round mission and also continue to find time to invest back into the local community.
“The world of palliative care is inhabited by very special people. The day to day circumstances are difficult yet the kindness and respect these caregivers show patients, family members and friends is deeply touching. At these moments we are all incredibly vulnerable and it often feels like angels have shown up to help guide us all through the experience.
The Dorthy Ley Hospice has been outstanding in this role for 27 years. Kudos to everyone there. They deserve our support. Having LP involved today in the bed race allowed us as a group to take time out of our lives and give back. It allowed us to be our ‘best selves’ and to collectively acknowledge that organizations like this are important and we fundamentally value them.
~ Jim Mosher, President | Landscape Plus Ltd.
#FTECsighting With Landscape Plus Ltd.
We are proud to have Landscape Plus Ltd. back in our corner for the 7th Annual Fight To End Cancer, as we prepare to announce our Official 2018 Fight Team. Every month, you can catch us on social media with our #FTECsighting contests. Jim and his team have made FTEC a common appearance in the Kingsway, over the past couple of years, with their visual support of the Fight To End Cancer. You can find us on their trucks and now they’re representing the cause year round on their shirts! Jim explains their move to incorporate Fight To End Cancer into their everyday activities:
“It started with FTEC decals on our vehicles. We have a lot of trucks and it seemed like a great platform to get the FTEC logo and message out in front of people. It worked. It really worked.
The shirt idea is an extension of that but even more so. First, this idea can’t help but start more conversations. They can be clients whose property we are working on or simply pedestrians passing by, if there is a question about FTEC and LP there is a person there to answer that question. We are after more conversations. Second, our FTEC role really resonates with everyone at LP. The shirts and the fact that we are wearing an emblem of one of our core values each and every day, allows us to collectively be our best selves. Once again, we as a group, are acknowledging that causes like this are important to us and that we fundamentally value them. It’s just part of who we are.”
Thank you for all you do for us, Landscape Plus Ltd.!
Our 2018 gala event will feature ten “white-collar” men and women, with no prior boxing experience, who will literally be fighting to end cancer, as they lace up their boots, strap on their gloves and step into the boxing ring during our black tie fundraiser on Saturday, June 2, 2018 More Info
Jim opened the doors at Landscape Plus Limited in 1984. A passion for design and quality installations has been his focus for over 30 years. A critical eye and a solid landscape construction background, ensure that every detail of your project (large or small) will be exquisitely handled from initial conception, through construction, to final completion. Full Listing Of Services Offered By Landscape Plus.