Wednesday February 22, 2017
The Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) is thrilled to announce that Combustion has jumped on board for the third year in a row! This year they are supporting the fight as a Co-Presenting Partner in combination with Landscape Plus Ltd., for the 2017 FTEC Gala, in support of the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.
Combustion is helmed by 2015 Fight Team member Leslie Ehm and is a kick-ass creativity-fuelled training company that transforms people so they can transform their organizations. The support that she and the Combustion team have provided over the years is a huge part of what makes The Fight To End Cancer so successful.
” At Combustion, we know first hand what great training can do to prepare you for even the greatest challenges. I had the crazy pleasure of training on the 2015 Fight to End Cancer team and the experience was completely transformative. Fighting, growing, sweating, crying and believing in the power to make a difference, side by side with others who have been touched by cancer, was an incredible gift.
Since then, my work team and I have continued to be a part of this worthwhile charity, event, and FTEC family through our sponsorship, support and mad love. We truly believe that together, as a committed and united force for good, we can knock out cancer.
Gloves up to the fighters. No regrets! “
~ Leslie Ehm & the Combustion team
We can not thank Leslie enough for the ongoing support that she and her company, Combustion, have provided to us since 2015!
Combustion is a kick-ass creativity-fuelled training company that transforms people so they can transform their organizations.
We’re proud to be sponsors and supporters of the The Fight To End Cancer because it doesn’t just raise funds for Princess Margaret critical cancer research, it challenges people to put their fists where their hearts are and show their solidarity with cancer sufferers in a very real and inspiring way. Combustion President, Leslie Ehm, stepped into the ring for FTEC in 2015 and our entire team went through the incredible journey from training, to ringside with her. We were all blown away by the passion, commitment and integrity of the fighters, trainers, and organizers. Our hearts will always be with this amazing event and charity. Fists up! Together we can beat the crap out of cancer!
Our 2017 event will feature ten “white-collar” men and women, with no prior boxing experience. They will literally be fighting to end cancer, as they lace up their boots, strap on their gloves and step into the boxing ring during our black tie fundraiser on Saturday, May 27th, 2017. Learn How YOU Can Join The Fight.