Mark Lockhart. That’s the latest name I’m putting on the face of cancer.
He died last year after a one-year battle with cancer at the age of 47. His death affected a whole community. He was a single father of 2 boys. And a lifelong friend to those lucky enough to have been part of his life.
Mark is, unfortunately, only the most recent in a too-long list of cancer victims. When I asked friends and colleagues how cancer had touched them, every single person had a story. Some tragic, some inspiring- all deeply felt. That’s why I’m participating in the 6th Annual Fight to End Cancer.
The long term objective is clear – conquer cancer in our life time. The short term objective is equally clear – raise funds for the research to make this happen. The Princess Margaret is one of 5 premier cancer research centres in the world. Let’s help them get the job done.
Thank you for joining the fight.
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