With Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) 2016 in the books, planning is already underway for next year’s event. The selection process for the FTEC2017 Fight Team is underway and we wanted to share a couple of tips and tricks that the coaches of FTEC use to train our fighters.
FTEC fighters are all regular, “white-collar” men and women who decide to step into the ring for the very first time, for a cause that is very important to them. They go through a rigorous training schedule, just like professional boxers, (a minimum of six months, three times per week) and then fight in a true, sanctioned boxing match at our annual Gala.
Although the men and women who sign up for FTEC train hard to step into our ring and fight; the sport of boxing is also simply a fantastic workout to help build endurance, strength and self-confidence. Listed below are some small tips that can help you improve your workout and bring out the inner boxer in you!
The Warm Up

FTEC Boxers Jump Rope Warmup
One particular warm up that we will focus on: jumping rope. It’s a really easy and fun way to start your workout. We suggest you stand in front of a mirror, so you can adjust your posture, as you go.
Jumping Rope:
For this warm up you will have to last three rounds, taking a break as the bell rings. Be sure not to move around and remain in the same spot while you lift your knees high at the rotation of the rope. This is the simplest form of jumping rope and once you have mastered this, you can move on to the more advanced techniques.
3 Sets of 3 minutes intervals and your rest should be no longer than one minute in between sets. Between exercises, rest only as long as it takes to get set up on the next activity

FTEC2016 Boxers and Alumni Shadow Boxing
Coaching Tip:
When training on the heavy bag, make sure you always keep control of the bag. If you lose your range, just simplify the drill by standing still and make sure your jab just touches the bag and your cross goes about half way through the bag when you turn into it.
Try to do as much shadow boxing as possible, this is where you will work the muscle memory necessary to execute in the ring. Not only is it a great way to improve on your technique, it’s also an effective way to get the rhythm of your movement! When you finally place your gloves on, you’ll be ready for what the heavy bag brings. Just like the jumping rope warm up, its suggested you shadowbox in front of a mirror. If you can see your stance and your movements, it will be easier to figure out what needs to be corrected, as you go.
Special Work Out Drill
Take this drill at your own pace, with as many breaks as you need when you first start. Once you can complete this drill in 6 minutes you’ll have the muscle endurance of a boxer (6 minutes is equivalent to a 3-round boxing match).

FTEC16 Try Out Pushup Burpees
– 10 pushups – 10 Burpees
– 15 pushups – 15 Burpees
– 20 pushups – 20 Burpees
– 25 pushups – 25 Burpees
– 30 pushups – 30 Burpees
Do you think you’re “Fit” to be a fighter? If you’re interested in helping our cause, or even becoming one of the fighters who lace up the gloves to fight the good fight, make sure to visit: