I am joining the Fight to End Cancer. Literally.
On Saturday May 30st of this year, I’ll be doing as much as I can to help the fight against cancer. And I’ll be doing it from a place I’ve never been before in my life – a boxing ring!
Thus far in my life I’ve been lucky enough that my immediate family has not had to deal with cancer. But that certainly doesn’t mean I’m oblivious to the effects it has on people and their families. I’ve seen friends, colleagues, and acquaintances all deal with their own battles against cancer; some winning while others sadly losing. And I know one thing for sure – I don’t want to see it ever again.
In the past I’ve felt helpless, wondering what I could do to help. But in reality once the diagnosis has been made, there isn’t much of anything that any of us can do to help.
I realize now that where we can help – where I can help – is before the diagnosis occurs. Funding for the research associated with understanding and preventing cancer is what is required, and that’s why I’m participating in the 4th Annual Fight to End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I am raising research dollars – with a vision of reaching the ultimate goal – To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime! The Princess Margaret is one of the top 5 Cancer Research Centres in the world and an international leader in the delivery of Personalized Cancer Medicine.
Life is so short. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was one less thing in the world for all of us to worry about? Maybe, just maybe, the money that we raise through this event will help us get there. I know one thing – it certainly won’t hurt!
Thanks to all of you for your support!
Keep Up With The Fight!