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By November 26, 2015January 6th, 2022No Comments


The 5th Annual Fight To End Cancer Gala will be taking place on Saturday June 4th, 2016 at the historic Old Mill, here in Toronto, and we could not be any more excited to see our new batch of fighters strap on some gloves and fight for a good cause.
The journey, however, has only just begun for our team of 10 courageous fighters and the next six months will certainly be an extraordinary feat of will and determination for all of them.  So, just who are these fighters and why are they choosing to step into our ring and fight to end cancer?

Natasa Jamnik-Sousa VS. Sam Krystantos

Sam vs. Natasa

Words From Natasa Jamnik-Sousa:

Cancer is a word I despise with every fiber of my being. Unfortunately, it is a word that my family and I know all to well. 14 years ago, I lost my sister to osteo sarcoma. Most recently my aunt lost the fight against cancer. My grandfather, unfortunately is another member of my family that is added to the list of people I have lost to cancer. Fortunately both my mother and cousin who were diagnosed with cancer have been in the clear for the past several years.

Losing someone to cancer is one of the most devastating occurrences to have happen in your life. When you lose someone, there is a void that can never be filled.
I live vicariously through the example that my sister put forth. She had a zest for life and continued to smile and find the positive despite the insurmountable obstacles in her life.
The next several months, despite the numerous challenges I will face is nothing when I think about how hard my sister, aunt and grandfather fought to overcome cancer.If you would like to get to know Natasa’s personal story better and donate to his fundraising goal for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, you can do so by clicking here.

Words From Samantha Krystantos:

I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to read my page. For those of you who don’t know me personally, my name is Samantha Krystantos and on June 4th, 2016 I will be stepping in the ring participating in the “Fight to End Cancer”. Within the next seven months I will push my self harder than I ever have both mentally and physically. I personally have been touched by this terrible disease, as I’m sure most of you reading this have as well.

I am participating in the 5th Annual Fight to End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I am raising research dollars – with a vision of reaching the ultimate goal – To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime! The Princess Margaret is one of the top 5 Cancer Research Centres in the world and an international leader in the delivery of Personalized Cancer Medicine. My Father Mitch fought in the 2014 event, my Uncle Ryan fought last year in 2015, and here I am walking in their footsteps with the same exact goal in mind… to kick Cancers butt!
My current goal is to raise $10,000 but I will not be able to get there on my own. Please help support me on my journey, you are not only helping me personally, but you are helping those who cannot fight for themselves.

If you would like to get to know Sam’s personal story better and donate to his fundraising goal for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, you can do so by clicking here.