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By May 24, 2015January 6th, 2022No Comments

Meet Our #FeatureFighter, Georgia Curtis

Georgia is the Managing Director at Backpocket HR Inc. and proudly participated in Fight To End Cancer 2015!  With one week to go before her fight, Georgia had hit (and surpassed) her fundraising goal and was feeling more than ready to get into the ring!

1 Week Prior To Fighting, here’s how Georgia was feeling…

“The training has been intense and challenging and I have really loved it. It is fantastic to feel this fit and strong. I am excited about the fight. I have worked hard and have learned a lot and I am looking forward to pulling it all together and doing my best in the ring.”

Georgia has participated in many event and fundraisers in the name of ending cancer, but nothing quite like FTEC. She learned about The Fight To End Cancer through her friend Frances McCart at Eagle, who has been one of our fantastic sponsors for several years.  George
“This fight is for my pal Cindy Weeks. She battled breast cancer and was cancer-free for years. In 2008, cancer returned and since then Cindy has lived with metastatic disease. Her brave tenacity is both heroic and inspiring – she is the toughest fighter I know. She believes that breakthroughs will come, and that cancer can be beaten.
I am fighting for her, and I ask that you please give generously.”
Like the rest of the FTEC Fighters, Georgia was raising money for the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, so although she has hit her goal, she is not ready to stop raising funds! As a corporate partner and lifelong member of the FTEC Alumni, Georgia continues to raise and donate funds for the Fight To End Cancer.

Here’s What Georgia’s Had To Say, Days Before Stepping Into The Ring For FTEC2015…

“I have dedicated my fight to my friend Cindy Weeks.  I could not have anticipated how special it has   been to share this with her. Her network has helped with fundraising and I have donations from some people I have not met. We have talked about the training and what I need to work on and my approach on Fight Night. We have done this together and she is very excited to see the Fight.”
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The fight doesn’t end at the end of the gala, the battle is just beginning! With your help we can finally Knock Out cancer once and for all!


If you’re interested in helping our cause, or even becoming one of the fighters who strap on the gloves to fight the good fight, make sure to visit: