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2015 FightersCo-Main Event

Erica McMaster

By January 27, 2015January 6th, 2022No Comments

I am participating in the 4th Annual Fight to End Cancer in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. I am raising research dollars – with a vision of reaching the ultimate goal – To Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime!
In the spring, my other half expressed his desire to apply to be one of the fighters for FTEC 2015 – naturally I was supportive and pretty quickly decided I wanted to go down the road together.  Several months later I have no doubt that this journey will be one of the most physically and emotionally demanding to date, but also the most rewarding.
Cancer has affected most of us in some shape or form.  Personally, I lost my mother to the disease when I was just shy of my twelfth birthday; it goes without saying that her absence has had an enormous impact on my life. I miss her every day. Two of my grandparents have died from cancer and just last year, a childhood friend at the age of 34.  Add to that the friends who have lost parents and loved ones – it’s too much.
Being a fighter in this incredible event is giving me the chance to make a difference and punch cancer in the face on behalf of all those we’ve lost, and those who continue to fight it every day. (More immediately I will have to figure out how to punch my opponent, anywhere,  without apologizing…)
We are so fortunate to have the resources available to us that we do. The Princess Margaret is one of the top 5 Cancer Research Centres in the world and an international leader in the delivery of Personalized Cancer Medicine.  I have been on the receiving end of this care as part of the High Risk Breast Clinic where I go for annual screenings and check ups – in doing so the ever present fear of one day developing cancer myself is lessened ever so slightly.
By pledging your support to this cause and my personal journey, you will be helping ensure that these programs as well as ground breaking research, can continue.
With your help, I hope to reach my fundraising goal and make a difference, (and hopefully do it with face and teeth intact).