A Word From Kingsway Boxing
Join Kingsway Boxing along with The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation in the Fight To End Cancer. It is a Gala which hosts an elegant gourmet dinner, various entertainers, along with Olympic style boxing, including local business leaders and celebrity bouts. Kingsway Boxing Club will be holding the first annual Gala in June 2012 to raise funds for cancer research as well as providing vital support to patients, survivors and their families.
It’s about survivorship! All of us individuals who are and have been affected by cancer have had to fight! Find out ways you can get invoved by contacting info@fighttoendcancer.com.
The community and media interest is quickly turning the Fight To End Cancer into one of the most prestigious events that Toronto has seen.
A Word From PMHF
The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation raises funds for breakthrough research, exemplary teaching and compassionate care at The Princess Margaret, which has achieved an international reputation as one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world.
The Princess Margaret combines the clinical excellence of Princess Margaret Hospital with the expertise of its research are, the Ontario Cancer Institute, which includes The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute.
The new discoveries and innovative cancer therapies that are changing cancer car for patients globally are happening right here in Canada, at The Princess Margaret; where we will “Conquer Cancer in our Lifetime”