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It is with great pleasure that Fight To End Cancer (FTEC) announces Toronto Top 40 Radio Station, Z103.5, will be jumping on board to be our first-ever Media Partner!
This is an amazing partnership opportunity for FTEC that will certainly help to get us some great exposure, by spreading the word of who we are and what we do, to even more people across the GTA.
Be sure to keep your eyes (and especially ears) open for what is going to be a year-long relationship between FTEC and Z103.5. You will want to tune in for regular on-air mentions of our upcoming Gala on Saturday June 4th, some custom advertisements, an exciting contest in the month of May (details to come at a later date) and some other surprises, yet to be announced.
We can not thank our friends over at Z103.5 enough for this incredibly generous sponsorship. We look forward to working with you, over the upcoming year!
Stay tuned in to Z103.5 to listen to all the latest and greatest hits. You can also visit their website, and listen in while at work, or from the comfort of your own home.
Z103.5 is a part of the Evanov Radio Group.